Sklostroj Turnov CZ, s.r.o.
A glass factory reconstruction 240 TPD, Chegem, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, year 2007-2009
- Project of the reconstruction of existing production hall
- Project of thechnology em, compressed air)
- Engineering
- Equipment layout of the entire glass plant
- Project of dictribution and infrastructure (water, vacuu
- Supply and installation of machines and technology equipment
Building of the new glass plant 2x450 TPD, the company Aktis, Novocherkask, Russia, year 2007-2010
- Project of new production hall
- Project of the placement of the technology equipment of the entire plant
- Project of dictribution and infrastructure (water, vacuum, compressed air)
- Engineering
- Supply and installatation of machines and technology equipment
Project of the new glass plant 2x450 TPD, the company Rasko, Novosibirsk, Russia, year 2008
- Project of new production hall
- Project of the placement of the technology equipment of the entire plant
- Project of dictribution and infrastructure (water, vacuum, compressed air)
Audit of the glass plant, Artiemovsk, Ukraine, year 2008
- Technical audit of a factory
Audit of the glass plant, Volnogorsk, Ukraine, year 2009
- Technical audit of a factory
Study of a new glass plant 1x350 TPD + 1x450 TPD, the company Alex Glass, Alexandria, Egypt, year 2009-2010
- Study of a new production hall
- Study of the placement of the technology equipemnt of the entire plant
Project of a new glass plant 1x220 TPD + 1x250 TPD, the company Progress, Obninsk, Russia, year 2009-2010
- Project of new production hall
- Project of the placement of the technology equipment of the entire plant
- Project of dictribution and infrastructure (water, vacuum, compressed air)
- Engineering
- Supply and installatation of machines and technology equipment
Audit of the glass plant, the company Progress, Obninsk, Russia, year 2010
- Technical audit of a factory
IZO Boretice s.r.o.
Recontruction of the production line for pre-insulated pipes, the Czech Republic, year 2008
- Project of placement of the new technology production line
- Project of the electrical system
- Development of new machines for the production line
- Complete supply and installation of the production line
Remat Glass s.r.o.
Project of the new recycling line for glass, Kelcany, the Czech Republic, year 2009-2010
- Complete civil engineering project of a buliding
- Complete project of the production line technology placement
- Project of distribution and infrastructure (compressed air)
- Project of the glas distribution
- Project of the electricity distribution
- Engineering
- Technical supperiviussion of the investor
- Supply and installation of the complete technology
TVT Projekce a dodavky s.r.o.
Supply and installation of the equipement at the glass factory, Chegem, Kabardino-balkaria, Russia, year 2008
- Elevator BW 315 6 pieces
Supply and installation of the equipment at the glass factory, the company Aktis, Novocherkask, Russia, year 2009
- Elevator BW 400 4 pieces
- Collecting conveyor KDD 800
- Trousses shape chute
Supply of the equipment for fabrication of dolomite, the company Dolomit, Vitebsk, Repuiblic of Belarus, year 2009 ,
- Elevator BW 400 2 pieces
Kartonaz Kyjov, druzstvo
Study of possible modification, the company Kartonaz Kyjov, Kyjov, the Czech Republic, year 2010
- Study of the modification of existing production areas
Vetropack Moravia Glass a.s., Kyjov
- Elevator BW 315 for recycling
- Accumulation table
- Installation of the optical sorting
- Production and installation of chutes for recycling
- Supply and installation of steel structures – a batch house reconstruction for dust-less operation
- Supply and installation of new belt conveyors with rakeing out redlers
- Supply and installation of the vacuum distribution
- Supply and installation of turnable chutes ino glass scraper
- Production of steel structure – extension of the production monoblock
Barum Continental s.r.o., Otrokovice
- Silo for storing of soot
- Control system of the line for production pre-mixtures inclusive annealing system VMI 9
- Control system of the line for waste fabrication inclusive loading or rew materials - software
Nestle Cokoladovny a.s., zavod Marysa Rohatec
- Reconstruction of weighting and pressing line Kreuter – project, software
- M&R of objects 109 and 110 with the Siemens SIMATIC control system and a Control pannel
Sebesta s.r.o., Kyjov
- COV control by free programable automat – project, software
Skoda a.s., Plzen
- Development of the communication driver S5 115U – 943B – Control pannel – software
Glass factory MELZ – Russia
- Control of the cold end manipulation systém inclusive stores of pallets
- Control of the cold end inclusive 2 pieces of palletizers
Glavunion a.s., Teplice
- Control of the cooling circuit F1 – project, software, communication on Honeywell TDC 3000
Fakultni nemocnice Brno
- M&R of the boiler room of the Fakultní nemocnice Brno – project
AgroVit a.s., Svatoborice – Mistrin
- Partial production and installation of the equipment for production of lactic acid
Konka s.r.o. Prikazky Jan, Hodonin
- Roller conveyor for transport of ferniture parts
- Moulds for in-foaming of insulation parts
Flash s.r.o., Hodonin
- Foil shring wrapping line
- Furnace loading with the rope transporter
Teplarna a.s., Olomouc
- Chain and screw conveyors for transport of coal dust
Precheza s.r.o., Prostejov
- Chain conveyor for transport of colouring substances
Adut Moravia s.r.o., Rohatec
- Moulds for foil blowing off
Sklarna Kavalier, Hostomice – vana Linkuz 10
- Gas and burning air distribution
Sklarna Moravia a.s., Usobrno
- Oil collector under IS machine AL 106-3
Elson s.r.o., Praha
- Station for production of pumps BOSH
- Stainless bath for testing of pumps BOSH
- Production station for Barum Continental
Transys s.r.o., Chrudim
- Supply and installation of steel structure for new batch loading lines for melting furnaces 51 and 52 at VMG a.s. Kyjov.
- Complete supply and installation os steel structure for weighting of batch silos of the melting furnace 51 at VMG a.s. Kyjov. (approx. 31.000 kg)
MONTAZE Chrudim s.r.o.
- Production of steel structure for extension of the production monoblock in the company Vetropack Moravia Glass a.s. inclusive fitters structures (approx. 150.000 kg)
- Production of the crane rail
Signum s.r.o., Hustopece
- Production of steel structure
Teplotechna s.r.o., Brno
- Platforms, hoppers
- IKEA Praha
- TESCO – Piles
- Market centrum Vaňkovka – repair of the historical buildings
D & S Brno
- Railling
- Working tables
- Stainless peepholes /for Venezuela /
MSO servis s.r.o., Kyjov
- Roof structure
Lavimont s.r.o.
- Theather Reduta Brno
- Steel structures
- Highway electronic paytoll
Falkria, Brno
- Welded parts machinning
- Production of welded parts
- Production of steel structures for theathres
- Tesco Uherský Brod – pile 17 m
Slovacke strojirny, Uhersky Brod
- Hoppers of a crusher in a quarry
- Residential houses
Skanska a.s.
- Luxemburg Plaza
- Hotel houses
SDS Exmost spol, s.r.o.
- Bridge railling – Cernovicka terasa
- Bridge railling – Hrozenkov
- Bridge railling – Oslavany
Auto – Spektrum-ACC
- Storage area
IVes Brno
- Steel structure production for hall systems
Koveco s.r.o
- Production and installation of a production line for the production of poresive concrete (transfer, casting cars, rope pusher)
I.F.T. Ostrava
- Production of traction wheels
Consistera s.r.o.
- Production and installation of steel structure for Sako Brno